Hay For Sale Near You
Browse hay for sale in your area by using our links below. We have alfalfa, mixed grass as well as coastal bermuda. If browsing by location is easier you can select a state below to view all of our current listings.
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See Listings By State
- Alabama 3 listings
- Alaska 0 listings
- Arizona 1 listings
- Arkansas 5 listings
- California 4 listings
- Canada 4 listings
- Colorado 11 listings
- Connecticut 0 listings
- Delaware 0 listings
- Florida 2 listings
- Georgia 2 listings
- Idaho 4 listings
- Illinois 8 listings
- Indiana 2 listings
- Iowa 8 listings
- Kansas 27 listings
- Kentucky 3 listings
- Louisiana 3 listings
- Maine 0 listings
- Maryland 0 listings
- Massachusetts 0 listings
- Michigan 2 listings
- Minnesota 13 listings
- Mississippi 8 listings
- Missouri 21 listings
- Montana 8 listings
- Nebraska 6 listings
- Nevada 1 listings
- New Hampshire 0 listings
- New Jersey 1 listings
- New Mexico 8 listings
- New York 12 listings
- North Carolina 8 listings
- North Dakota 15 listings
- Ohio 7 listings
- Oklahoma 8 listings
- Oregon 2 listings
- Pennsylvania 4 listings
- Rhode Island 0 listings
- South Carolina 0 listings
- South Dakota 3 listings
- Tennessee 5 listings
- Texas 57 listings
- Utah 4 listings
- Vermont 2 listings
- Virginia 1 listings
- Washington 1 listings
- West Virginia 2 listings
- Wisconsin 5 listings
- Wyoming 8 listings
See Listings By Variety
- Alfalfa 59 listings
- Mixed Grass 41 listings
- Bermuda Grass 32 listings
- Bahia Grass 17 listings
- Alfalfa/Grass Mix 17 listings
- Grass 15 listings
- Wheat 13 listings
- Alfalfa/Orchard Mix 12 listings
- Other 11 listings
- Orchard/Timothy Grass 11 listings
- Fescue Grass 10 listings
- Brome Grass 10 listings
- Timothy Grass 9 listings
- Sudan 8 listings
- Orchard Grass 5 listings
- Oat 5 listings
- Prairie/Meadow Grass 4 listings
- Bluestem Grass 4 listings
- Teff 4 listings
- Peanut 2 listings
- Sorghum 2 listings
- Corn Stalk 1 listings
- Soybean 1 listings
- Barley 1 listings
- Rye Grass 1 listings
- Forage Mix-Three Way 1 listings
- Clover/Grass Mix 1 listings
- Millet 1 listings
- Cane 1 listings
We'll help you source hay. We don't charge a broker fee, it's free to sign up and you can create hay wanted/hay for sale listings for free.
We keep our light on by charging an optional low monthly fee for premium members. We do sell a little ad space here and there.
The way we see it your other options (below) involve high payments, high risk, or both.
- Call all of your farmer friends and piece together your needs from their leftover hay 10-20 bales at a time. Buying hay this can be advantageous because you know the people personally and already trust their product without always having to check before taking ownership of the hay. It can boost your neighborly relationship and help with future networking opportunities. But, the legwork on your part with this option can be a large time investment. Getting your hay sold can help your relationship with you banker. This really helps when your looking for your next farm loan.
- Search listings on Craigslist and the like. You can hit the internet “streets” googling your way through ads, looking for the hay that fits your needs. It’s all in your control, and you can do it at any time. What makes this option difficult is that it is all on you. You have to find the ads, find the hay type your looking for, and trust that the quality is what they say it is. You’re leaving a lot of room for unknowns.
- Enlist a local broker. Everybody knows that guy who knows everybody. We can all list a broker or two that do an amazing This can be a great option for you when looking for hay to buy, they already have the relationships, and they know who the good producers are. The downside to this route can be that their connections are very localized and will limit what you can get your hands on, you add in a middle guy, and your communication is limited to business hours. However, it does give you the option to be entirely hands-free until it’s time to sign a check.
- Use the services at All Hay to take care of it for you. With All Hay, you can search 24/7 for hay as local as you want it to be. The advantages to using our website are that it is available 24/7, you can be very specific on what you need, you can search as far and as wide as you want (nationwide listings), and you can sign up for our newsletters that will alert you each time hay is available near you.
No matter what route you choose to take on your hay buying adventure remember that at All Hay it is our goal to provide you with the resources to efficiently feed your livestock or scale your hay production business. From blog posts to listings, our priority is to provide the best hay information available.