Arkansas Cattle Auction Co., LLC

WEBSITE: Visit Website
ADDRESS: Arkansas Cattle Auction Co., LLC,Searcy, AR 72145
PHONE: (501) 268-2471

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    Pottsville, Arkansas

    Premium quality Bermuda horse hay. Barn stored, sprayed and fertilized. Hay can be loaded in a truck bed or trailer. Sold in 21 bale bundles. $200 per bundle Oates Cattle and Hay Co Les Oates (479) 857-1840

  • Mixed Grass Hay

    Bluffton, Arkansas

    Mixed grass hay, several types of grass, Bermuda, Ryegrass, Bahia, Clover, little Johnson grass, etc. Small square bales 50 plus pounds. No chemicals used in the fields. Location between Bluffton and Gravely. 25072 highway 28 Bluffton, AR. Look for green roofs on buildings with a pond in front.

  • Mixed Grass Hay

    Powhatan, Arkansas