Osborn Auction LLC
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Alfalfa Hay
2nd cut Roundup Ready alfalfa Fertilized Sprayed with preservative at baling Cut in bloom with lots of flowers Stored inside enclosed shed Take as many as you need only $6/bale. More pics available
Mixed Grass Hay
Maquoketa, Iowa
Quality Grass Bales in Large Squares, and Large Round Bales.br /Our Family has been producing hay for over 35 years- ask our repeat customers! br /Looking for a sweet smell, good color and baled dry on the Rolling hills of Carroll County, Illinois?br /Give us a call, we'll get it hauled!
Wheat Straw
Mt. Carroll, Iowa
Wheat Straw Bales in Large Squares, Large Round Bales and Small Squares. Our Straw is suited for all Livestock needs. Clean Wheat Straw, Good Color, and Baled Dry. Our Family has been Baling Straw for over 35years- ask our repeat customers!